Every car communicates to its user with the warning lights that flashes up on dashboard. Among them the most common as well as worrisome is the check engine light. It is one waning sign that every car user dreads to face, since it is a probability of a costly repair coming up in the near future, or lest, you are going to face a real trouble if it has come up in the middle of your journey.
So what do you do, if the “check engine” light suddenly turns on and refuses to go down? Before you surrender to a mechanic or an auto repair shop, you can test out a few things, without letting yourself panic. To help you well in advance about what steps to be taken when the check engine light turns on, we are sharing few tips we have gathered from the mechanics we know from the Twin Falls check engine light department.
They explained that whenever the onboard diagnostics system (or OBD II) can detects any impairment in the engine section or in any other system that is related to the engine, it automatically turns on the “check engine” light on the dashboard. It does so to intimidate the driver, that the engine compartment must be tested immediately.
Learning the Language
The “check engine” light usually appears mostly in yellow or orange color and displays an outline of the warning phrase that reads “Check Engine”. But the way the light turns on and behaves can be considered as a big clue to know how severe the condition is.
Here one must know the basic fact related to the “check engine” light that it gets turned on normally with all other indicating lights, every time the car engine is key started. This way the light speaks of a normal and healthy condition of the engine.
But if it stays longer than usual and shows no sign to get switched off, know that it is indicative of a problem with the engine, but is not much to worry about. It will be something as simple asinsufficient level or contamination of engine oil or coolant, a faulty oxygen sensor,a loose gas cap, or just a loose or fused Spark plug. All this can be repaired or fixed back to normal without much effort, and by following some DIY techniques.
But things will not be that lightweight if the light stars. A blinking or flashing “check engine” light is a clear indication of some serious issue with the engine that can’t be fixed right without a professional assistance. The case could be a worn out radiator, or carbonator, a misfire in the ignition system, or a troubled exhaust system which can cause more severe damage to the engine, if left untreated.
The Bottom Line
It is only at a professional repair center where they can examine, inspect and diagnose the reason behind a “check engine” light being turned on in a car, explained a known source who does check engine light testing in Twin Falls.