When you plan to secure yourself against any vehicle liabilities by purchasing an insurance policy, comparing car insurance is the best way in which you can do so. Companies have come up with amazing car insurance plans to suit all their customers’ different requirements. There are myriad of plans to select from and you can take your pick by going through the details of a motor insurance policy and then sign up. Every person has different expectations from the insurance company and its plan according to his/her requirement. These insurance companies provide the facility of complete customization according to one’s needs and necessities. The question that arises is – how should one go about comparing car insurance?
With the world getting tech-savvier by the day, one needs to keep oneself updated. With all the information on the websites, it is not difficult to get hold of anything that one requires. There are hoards of websites which will present all the necessary data. These may be either the general insurance company websites from which you are looking to buy your car policy or some other insurance aggregator websites such as Coverfox.com that provide information of all the companies which have car insurances to offer.
Simply put, visit any website that will give you names of companies along with their plans on car insurance. To compare car insurance, there cannot be a better way than this. You just need to follow certain steps to get through. Once you are on the website, enter the following details and get a free quote from all the companies in a tabular form.
- The car Registration Number
- Select the previous insurer in case you are renewing your insurance, or simply skip the step.
- Select the policy expiry date in case of a renewal.
- Select if you have made any claims in the past year
- Enter your personal details along with contact details
The table will give a comparison of the different features of the plans available, thereby making it easy for you to compare car insurance from so many companies. Comparing some key features like the premiums and the services offered can be done on the spot. The differences between the offered additional services like the add-ons or the claim settlement features will also help take a call on which insurance to buy.
Which is the Best Comparison Website for Car Insurance
Car insurances can be compared on many websites like Coverfox.com which efficiently compare car insurance through car insurance premium calculator tool. As stated previously, these websites provide a comparison of the various car insurances. Moreover, besides comparing, these websites also explain the definitions of certain terms which are important to understand. Some key features which you will find in the comparison chart are IDV, NCB, and cashless claim settlement and so on. These websites will help enrich your knowledge about these terms related to the car insurance.
Things you cannot miss about Comparing Car Insurance
Now there are certain terms which are important to consider when you are about to compare car insurance.
IDV: Insured Declared Value is the total sum provided by the insurer company in case of damage to your car. In other words, it is simply the current market value of the car. You can see the value of the IDV in the IDV column when you get your free quote when comparing insurances through these websites.
Covered Things: While comparing insurances, these websites also give out the details of the plans offered by the insurance companies such as what is covered and what is not, under the selected plan. Most companies cover own-damage, natural calamity damage, theft or an accident. Certain events which may not be covered by companies are the natural wear and tear of the car that takes place due to ageing or damage caused due to rash or drunk-driving.
Previous Claims: In case, you haven’t made any claims in your previous tenure, then you are entitled to receive a no claim benefit which will be included in your current renewal scheme. The benefit can go as high as 40% to 50% depending on the policy.
Additional services: With cashless repairing in one of the network garages, the companies offer a variety of additional services. Some companies may even relax their policy of inspecting the vehicle on expiry of the previous policy. There are a several perks one receives from the insurance companies nowadays.
Comparing these factors can really be beneficial in the long run for both, your car and your financial liabilities related to the car.